Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday (Just south of Lexington, to just north. 16 miles tops)

Tuesday-- We slept in until 6.30 a.m. (yippee!!!), packed camp, plopped the yellow BOB trailer bags into Dave Babcock's pickup, and, after breakfast, headed north to Lexiongton. A postcard of a town opened up to us after ten miles, and began to enjoyt Lexington. A stop at the Stonewall Jackson Cemetery led to a leisurely walk among the sleeping dead, and s slow downhill into town. There we took an hour and half to do laundry, Dave and I chatting while the kids took off to explore town. After laundry, Dave headed down the road, and the kids and I headed to Washington and Lee, where we joined an Admissions Office tour. Each of us was struck by the beauty and the resources of the college. We then cycled through VMI and saw a very different institution, the stark, parapet order of khaki in sharp contrast to the leafy neo-classical Virginia gentility of W&L. Plenty of talk ensued about colleges, dreams, and matching one's goals and style to a place and a mission. After lunch on a Main Street picnic table, we scattered for a break, and to see what our travels will bring next. For me, the warm humid air stirred by ceiling fans at the Lexington Coffee shop, and a hair-raising jolt of coffee, has been just fine. More later, down the road, as we head north up 11 and cross over the Blue Ridge toward Charlottesville. With any luck we'll find "Cookie Lady's" house in Afton (June Curry, who has been giving water,
cookies, shelter, and love to Trans-America cyclists since 1976, all in a modest outbuilding at her home along the Adventure Cycling Transamerica route). We'll spend some of the next day exploring Thos. Jefferson's university, road willing.
-- PJClements


Annie said...

I am a friend of the Babcocks who has been enjoying the postings on Charlotte's trip. What a wonderful experience for these kids and what a great way to visit colleges! Still can't imagine 50 miles a day on a bike. I hate it when I have to drive 50 miles! Take care and say hi to Charlotte for me.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat,
I have been reading and following your ride, and think that maybe in a few years when I am done having kids and am back in cycling shape, I would like to join you and some Peddie kiddos on a cycling adventure. These kids have really inspired me to get back on the bike (not just riding around campus with Ryann in tow). I look forward to all of your safe return and catching up with you. Tell Will I had no idea he was doing this ride....I would have loved to have had chatted him up about this adventure during CL this spring!

Amanda Buchner